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The Buffalo's Spirit Song

Hau Kolas, I am the mighty Buffalo...
My Spirit is with you, I did not go...

We remain few under Grandfather's sun...
But the plains still rumble as our Spirits run...

In herds, I roamed the plains wild and free...
Buffalo supplied ancestors with food to eat...
Our pelt furs warmed their tired cold feet...
Buffalo's and ancestors were brothers and friends
Part of life's circle that never ceases nor ends...

Our hoof beats shook the plains with thounder...
Filling hearts with awe ans wonder...
Now we seek those who drove us under...
The men who killed with reckless plunder...

Ancestors only took when there was need...
While the white wichasa killed us with greed...
By that old coward, Buffalo Bill
Cody's hand alone...
4000 were slaughtered where once was our home...

The white wichasa will never learn...
But by ancestor's sons, Buffalo will return!
With the tribal Co-ops, the ITBC...
Buffalo will roam again run free...

Buffalo is the stength of your Nation...
We were Great Spirit's own Creation...
Lord of the prairie, the mighty beast...
I will return my Spirit will never cease...

Listen! Hear our mighty thunder
across the plains...
I still roam and rumble' my Spirit
yet remains...
Awaken your hearts to the rise
of a new dawn...
Hear my thoundering hoofs sing
my song...
Barbara LaBarbera 2004
Used with permission

May the Spirits always walk at your side!!

Thank you for walking this path with me!


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