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The Empty House

The Empty House

There it sat in the moonlight
No longer hearth nor home to any one
No light in the darkened window to call
the weary traveler,when the day was done.

Cold ashes in the old fireplace
no spark and no embers glow
cracks in the plaster walls
forgotten in time,..tis so sad to know.
Once a family had lived here,in this place
where they grew and loved and tended it with care,
and knew generation after generation
that had tended it with good repair.

then one day they all left, never to return
the house now sits appearing sad and so forlorn.
no curtains dressed the windows
not another generation here was born.
snow covered the sagging roof
from the eaves long ice spears hung
no warm fire to welcome the weary traveler
inside no loving songs being sung.
Rainspout tore from the house
and lay in the falling drifting snow,
then hidden,doors now unlocked and left ajar
to enter was now forbidden.
there on the broken door
a no trespass sign on the door was posted.
only the spiders of the summmer
and animals of the winter in here was hosted.

It had fallen in such disrepair
no more love inside,
spirit so long ago departed
no longer a vision of ones pride.
The old man had grown so feeble
after she had gone on ahead
the old house echoed sweet memory
of the things they did and said.
How they had loved each other
and lovingly raised their children in this home
but now he just walked from room to room
after she left him there alone.

As he sat in his old rocking chair
watching the days come and go
How many tears he cried for her
no one would ever know.
Then one day the postman came
and opened the door to give the man
his mail there the old man sat
looking white and pale reaching out
to touch the gnarled fingers
of hands cold and blue
fearing what he beheld....
the old man had gone to heaven too.

The kids all grown and for years now
had left and moved away
none had any interest , so sad
in the old house that day.
After taking their precious father
to where their mother was long ago buried.
now they were once again together,
seperated only by death,
since the day they had married.

Locking the doors for the last time
of that old house and turning,...
Took one last look
like closing the cover of a well read
family book.

The house had known so much love
and provided shelter to its own,
the old cold house now so dark
just a house,.... no longer a home.
What it really needed was a family
to light a new fire inside
to hear laughter once again ring out
and for love to come ... there to abide.

With a little tender care
the house would come to life once more
new curtains at the windows and such
and a welcome mat at the door.
Fire in the fireplace
in the window a candle lit
signal to the weary traveler,
a home and hearth, and love inside of it,

A time to make new memories
a place for children to grow up and live
nourished by a family in love secure.
a shelter , this old house could give.
sandy griffin 2003
Used with Permission

May the Spirits always walk at your side!!

Thank you for walking this path with me!


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