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I'll Never Say Goodbye

I'll Never Say Goodbye

I'll never Say Goodbye
My friend as the year draws near to an end
There are some things I need to say
So listen to my heart

You are so very dear to me
You always have been right from the start
We have shared our laughter and our tears
So many times down through the years

The good times and the bad we weathered together
Guess you might say we are birds of a feather
And dear friend you are my greatest treasure
So before the whistles blow and the horns sound

I just want to wish you the
very best New Years ever
The New Year may bring us sunshine or rain
Happiness or sorrow we'll face it together
Today and tomorrow..
For I'll never say goodbye
By Bonnie RayŠ 2007
All rights reserved
Used with permisstion

May the Spirits always walk at your side!!

Thank you for walking this path with me!


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